What is it, Types & How to Prevent It

Between 2019 and 2021, 21.2% of adults in the U.S. were diagnosed with arthritis, making it the nation’s leading cause of disability. But if you’re one of those approximately 53.2 million people, there is hope. 

Keep reading to explore 9 effective lifestyle changes to help arthritis sufferers reduce pain and improve quality of life. But first, let’s discuss what arthritis is.

What is arthritis?

Derived from Greek, arthritis means “joint inflammation.” It encompasses over 100 different conditions, but common symptoms include:

  • Joint swelling 
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Reduced range of motion

These symptoms can range from mild to severe. They may fluctuate in intensity and worsen over time, leading to chronic pain and difficulty performing everyday activities like walking or climbing stairs. 

Beyond the joints, arthritis can also affect organs such as the:

While more common in women, arthritis also affects men, and can occur in both older and younger adults–although certain types are more prevalent in older adults.

Common types of arthritis

Here are the most common types of arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most prevalent form. It often results from aging or injury, leading to symptoms like joint clicking, muscle weakness, and bone spurs (calcium growths on bones).
  • Gout: This type is caused by uric acid crystals in joints, causing sudden, severe pain–especially in the big toe. This is one of the only kinds of arthritis that affects more men than women. 
  • Psoriatic arthritis: This type affects those already living with psoriasis. It leads to joint pain and swelling, as well as more general and debilitating symptoms like fatigue, tendon tenderness, and even eye inflammation.
  • Reactive arthritis: This type is triggered by an infection elsewhere in the body. Experts believe certain immune cells (T lymphocytes) respond to parts of bacteria that enter the bloodstream. This response can cause symptoms like eye and urinary tract discomfort, as well as joint issues.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: This is an autoimmune disorder, in which the body attacks its joints because it can’t distinguish healthy cells from harmful invaders. It can even affect internal organs, causing fatigue, fever, and potentially bone erosion and joint deformity.

Lifestyle changes to help arthritis

While there’s no known cure for arthritis, a number of conventional treatments are available to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. However, primarily, these include pain-relieving medications, steroids, and joint surgery–which don’t come without risks.

If you’d prefer natural remedies or complementing conventional treatments, lifestyle changes can be extremely helpful to reduce pain, increase mobility, and boost your overall sense of well-being. Here are some of the most effective ones.

Maintain a healthy weight. 

Carrying extra weight puts pressure on your joints–especially on your knees, hips, and feet–which can exacerbate discomfort. 

According to the American College of Rheumatology and Arthritis Foundation, if you’re overweight, losing just 5% of your current body weight can significantly improve symptoms.

Eat a healthy diet.

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other kinds of the disease. 

Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods helps:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Boost your overall well-being

Some excellent, inflammation-fighting options to enjoy regularly are:

  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale): High in vitamin K, which can lower inflammatory markers
  • Broccoli: Contains sulforaphane, which has been found to slow cartilage destruction in joints–a common issue in osteoarthritis
  • Grapes: Rich in polyphenols, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can alleviate some arthritis symptoms
  • Berries: Rich in anthocyanins, which help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Extra virgin olive oil: Packed with polyphenols that fight inflammation and improve joint health
  • Garlic: Reduces joint inflammation, pain, and swelling due to healthy compounds like allicin
  • Ginger: Fights inflammation due to compounds like gingerols and shogaols 
  • Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids that lower inflammation markers
  • Fatty fish: Another excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids

It’s also wise to avoid inflammatory foods, as these could exacerbate your symptoms. Some critical ones to steer clear of include:

  • Foods with added sugars
  • Processed meats
  • Gluten, found in breads, pastas, and crackers
  • Other highly-processed foods such as ice cream and breakfast cereals
  • Excess sodium
  • Processed vegetable oils like canola

Consider taking turmeric.

Research shows that turmeric can help alleviate joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its active ingredient, curcumin, is known to reduce inflammatory responses, potentially easing discomfort, pain, and swelling. 

Experts recommend taking turmeric with black pepper extract to enhance curcumin’s bioavailability, making it more effective.

Get massages.

Many of us save massage therapy for special occasions only. But indulging regularly can help alleviate arthritis symptoms. 

Some benefits of massage therapy for arthritis include:

  • Pain relief, due to increased blood flow to affected areas and released endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers
  • Improved range of motion
  • Reduced muscle tension around joints
  • Stress reduction, which can further reduce pain
  • Better sleep

Use hot and cold therapy.

Hot and cold therapy is a simple, effective, natural way to manage arthritis symptoms. Warmth can reduce stiffness, while cold lessens joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. 

Heat a damp towel in the microwave for a soothing warm compress; then switch to a cold compress using a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack wrapped in cloth to minimize discomfort.

Stay active. 

Regular exercise is vital for your health and well-being. For arthritis, it can help:

  • Manage weight
  • Keep joints flexible
  • Strengthen muscles around joints for better support

Just opt for lower impact activities to reduce pressure on your joints, such as:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Tai chi

And don’t forget to stretch. Doing gentle stretches that move joints in their full range of motion can further reduce soreness and pain.

Maintain good posture. 

Maintaining proper posture is essential to reduce pressure on sore joints. You might consult a physical therapist who can teach you about correct sitting, standing, and moving techniques to minimize discomfort. 

Aim to keep your spine straight, and avoid putting excess stress on particularly painful joints.

Try acupuncture.

Acupuncture can be extremely helpful with arthritis symptoms. This treatment stimulates specific points along the body, triggering the release of pain-relieving chemicals like endorphins and enkephalins–reducing discomfort and promoting relaxation.

Practice mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation can significantly lessen stress and help you manage arthritis pain. This practice may not only decrease the intensity of the pain, but also change your perception of it, offering a highly effective coping strategy.

Living with arthritis can be deeply uncomfortable and challenging–but lifestyle changes can help. By integrating the above practices, you’re not only addressing the physical aspects of arthritis but also the psychological, giving yourself a holistic path to better health and well-being. 

Just remember: consistency is key. Make a commitment to stick with these habits, and monitor your symptoms so you can customize and create a regimen that works for you.


Prevalence of Diagnosed Arthritis — United States, 2019–2021 – PMC.

What is Arthritis & What Causes it? | NIAMS

Arthritis – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf

Arthritis Types | CDC

Disability and Health Related Conditions | CDC.

Sex differences in rheumatoid arthritis: more than meets the eye… – PMC

Arthritis Related Statistics | CDC

Molecular Mechanisms of Sex-Related Differences in Arthritis and Associated Pain – PMC

Why is Osteoarthritis an Age-Related Disease? – PMC

“Clinical features of women with gout arthritis.” A systematic review – PMC.

Gout Symptoms, Causes & Diet Recommendations | NIAMS

Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms & Diagnosis | NIAMS

What Causes Osteoarthritis, Symptoms & More | NIAMS

Osteoarthritis – Insights From Recent Research – PMC

Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases & Conditions | NIAMS

What is Reactive Arthritis? Symptoms, Causes & Flare Ups | NIAMS

When is arthritis reactive? – PMC

An update on the genetics of HLA-B27 associated acute anterior uveitis – PMC

Rheumatoid Arthritis | Health Topics | NIAMS

Pathogenic Role of Immune Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Implications in Clinical Treatment and Biomarker Development – PMC

Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Brief Overview of the Treatment – PMC

Osteoarthritis and Exercise: Does Increased Activity Wear Out Joints? – PMC

2019 American College of Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee – Kolasinski – 2020

Physical Activity for Arthritis | CDC

Thermotherapy for treatment of osteoarthritis – PMC

Anti-inflammatory Diet In Rheumatoid Arthritis (ADIRA)—a randomized, controlled crossover trial indicating effects on disease activity

Gout and Diet: A Comprehensive Review of Mechanisms and Management – PMC

What is the evidence for a role for diet and nutrition in osteoarthritis? | Rheumatology | Oxford Academic

Effects of Nutritional Interventions in the Control of Musculoskeletal Pain: An Integrative Review – PMC

Best Vegetables for Arthritis

Sulforaphane in broccoli: The green chemoprevention!! Role in cancer prevention and therapy – PMC

An increased intake of nutrients, fruits, and green vegetables was negatively related to the risk of arthritis and osteoarthritis development in the aging population

Whole grape alleviates inflammatory arthritis through inhibition of tumor necrosis factor – ScienceDirect

Dietary fruits and arthritis – PMC

An Insight into Anti-Inflammatory Activities and Inflammation Related Diseases of Anthocyanins: A Review of Both In Vivo and In Vitro Investigations – PMC.

Therapeutic Effects of Olive and Its Derivatives on Osteoarthritis: From Bench to Bedside – PMC

Garlic and Its Role in Arthritis Management – ScienceDirect.

The effects of garlic (Allium sativum) supplementation on inflammatory biomarkers, fatigue, and clinical symptoms in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

The effect of ginger supplementation on IL2, TNFα, and IL1β cytokines gene expression levels in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized controlled trial

The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Rheumatoid Arthritis – PMC

Efficacy of gluten-free diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Interventions

Diet and Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms: Survey Results From a Rheumatoid Arthritis Registry – PMC

Low-Grade Inflammation and Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption: A Review – PMC

Sodium Chloride Aggravates Arthritis via Th17 Polarization – PMC

Omega-6:Omega-3 PUFA Ratio, Pain, Functioning, and Distress in Adults with Knee Pain

2019 American College of Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee – Kolasinski – 2020

Clinical Efficacy of Acupuncture on Rheumatoid Arthritis and Associated Mechanisms: A Systemic Review

How might acupuncture work? A systematic review of physiologic rationales from clinical trials – PMC

Mindfulness meditation–based pain relief: a mechanistic account – PMC

Effect of curcumin on rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Therapeutic effects of turmeric or curcumin extract on pain and function for individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review – PMC

Massage Therapy for Pain and Function in Patients With Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Credit : Source Post

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