Drinking Tea During Pregnancy: Myths and Facts Debunked

A warm cup of tea has many accompanying benefits. There are the obvious benefits like calming and soothing feeling upon consumption, then there are other’s, like it’s detoxifying nature.

But having said that, should expectant mothers really be drinking tea, and if yes, how should they go about drinking tea during pregnancy? This is the question that needs to be answered in earnest, and this is our attempt at solving the mystery that has kick-started many debates.

How much tea should you drink during your pregnancy?

When it comes to tea’s, there are just too many varieties to choose from. This means the more open you are to different choices, the harder it becomes for you to pinpoint the right variety for yourself. Though, there is a simple rule of thumb when it comes to deciding the right mix for you: It shouldn’t cross a minimum threshold of 200 mg caffeine, as that is the absolute maximum caffeine intake stipulated by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

This means there has to be pragmatically no repetition of your pre-pregnancy habits which may have included shots of coffee at your own whims and fancies! You may already know that the accepted norm for consumption of coffee is a huge 400mg, but sadly, it isn’t applicable when you are pregnant, so do keep that in mind before you reach out for any extra serving of your favorite hot and soothingly warm poison.

What teas should you drink during your pre4gnancy?

Herbal teas and Green teas are quite on top of the line when it comes to choosing a tea that would be beneficial for you during your pregnancy days. They have proven their worth time and again, and have yet to show any kind of side effects based on regular consumption. Further, they are known to keep your weight as well as cravings well in check, giving you so much more power over what you consume, and end up ingesting.

Before we go on to the teas that you should consume during your pregnancy, there is a distinction between them that needs to be understood first hand. Teas come in majorly two varieties: Herbal and Non-Herbal; let’s break them down for you.

Non-Herbal Teas

  • Black Tea is the top of the line when it comes to non-herbal tea, and could easily be found in wide and varied blends. The foremost blends include Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe, and English Breakfast.
  • Green tea also falls under this category and is tastes far better than its black and simplistic variant.
  • Non-herbal teas – depending on their type – are either rich in antioxidants, like the green variety, or are rich in caffeine, like that of the black variety. You should avoid one with too much caffeine, for reasons that have been mentioned above.
  • Decaf versions of these teas also have caffeine and aren’t completely devoid of it, so do keep that in your mind before you lay your hands on it.


Herbal Teas

  • They come from any other part of the plant, except for the leaves (Which make up the non-herbal teas). It could include roots, berries, seeds or flowers.
  • They are usually devoid of caffeine; as long as they really are herbal teas, and not a cheap intonation of one, like the mate tea.
  • They are known to possess healing properties and are quite popular amongst TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) users.

So, which is the safer amongst the two? Let’s take a rain check on the various benefits that they provide on an individual basis.

Non-Herbal Teas

They do have anti-oxidants, there is no way to circumvent that fact, but that comes with a trade off: The amount of caffeine that is present in the tea. For those of you who are absolutely in love with tea, it may be quite a big problem; after all, excessive caffeine leads to many health hazards, constipation being the primary one amongst them.

Caffeine in your body acts in a detrimental manner, once it reaches inside your body, there’s a possibility that it may reach the baby through the placenta. Babies aren’t able to process caffeine the way adults can, and hence they may experience some indigestion issues. Further, if you are consuming caffeine during your breastfeeding days, then it may lead to sleep deprivation in the infants.

Even though doctors profess that consumption of caffeine isn’t that insalubrious to the health of infants, we beg to differ. The negatives far outweigh the positives, and it isn’t just worth your while to drink tea that is laden with sleep deprivation and dehydrating tendency in the form of caffeine.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas being naturally caffeine free erodes the concerns regarding the consumption of caffeine. But the trade off is no less severe, in that, there are many herbal teas – and the herbs related to them – that haven’t been tested on pregnant mothers.

A majority of herbal teas are known to be safe for pregnant and lactating mothers – only if taken in moderation. And, you could rest assured of their efficacy as the FDA has naturalistic proclivity to ban any health affecting herbal teas that it founds out. You may consult your surgeon if you intend on starting a herbal tea plan that involves the use of a particular herb the benefits of which are yet unknown to you.

Ensure that you stay away from herbal teas that have been made by spurious elements, aren’t commercially available, and are known to be potentially toxic based on scientific evidence collected that proclaims the same. Read up on some of the guidelines that have been released by the FDA on the herb of your choosing, and ensure that you keep yourself adequately knowledgeable on the effects a particular herb has on your body.

Your attempt to stay healthy during the days of your pregnancy doesn’t just end with the intake of the right tea, either herbal or non-herbal, there are many other metrics that come into the picture, some of them way more important than teas. The most important factor has to be your dietary intake and the foods that you should avoid during your pregnancy.

The post Drinking Tea During Pregnancy: Myths and Facts Debunked appeared first on Alternative Medicine Magazine.

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